Therapy For Depression

Muddy truck with tires stuck in the mud symbolizing need for individual therapy
  • “I don’t feel like myself anymore.”
  • “I just can’t get up off the couch.”
  • “I’m so ashamed; I feel like I should be able to handle this.”
  • “Everyone tells me I should love myself, or just stop thinking about it, and I have no idea how.”
  • “I feel like a burden to my loved ones.”
  • “I’m not interested in things I used to enjoy.”
  • “I’m so tired all the time.”
  • “Putting on a brave face is exhausting.”

It’s not just you. Depression loves to tell you stories like this, so we hear them often in therapy at Satya Counseling.

When your mind gets stuck on worry, self-criticism, self-hatred, or an intolerable future, it’s hard to imagine having a satisfying life. It’s also very easy to blame yourself or assume something is wrong with you.

Depression isn’t just feeling sad, or being negative or gloomy. Emotions become dulled, leading to a sense of disconnection and decrease in self-worth. It can be so distressing that some individuals with depression make negative decisions. At Satya Counseling, our therapists are highly trained to support people living with depression. We provide a warm environment to help you feel connected. We invite you to be your authentic self as we take the journey with you and start the healing process. 

What is Depression?

Depression is the most common mental health issue, affecting millions of people. 

The symptoms of depression can compound on one another. It might begin with a lack of concentration or fatigue leading to lethargy or excessive sleeping, resulting in losing interest in activities. That can lead to feeling overly guilty, which can lead to irritability. In some instances, people develop self-harming behaviors or even suicidal thoughts.

Our culture is great at showing people how to acquire stuff, but not how to deal with fear or other difficult emotions. If “Don’t Worry, Be Happy” were actually that easy, wouldn’t you just do it? 

To make matters worse, when self-help gurus and clickbait articles urge you to choose joy, visualize your dreams, think positive, like yourself, and let go of negative thinking, you’ll probably end up feeling like a failure – which will just make you more depressed! 

What to Expect in Therapy for Depression

At Satya Counseling, we use an integrative approach with evidence-based treatments such as Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), and Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT). We provide you with skills and tools to help identify triggers, cope with them in a healthy way, and progress towards healing. 

A lot of people living with depression feel isolated and alone. We work to sustain a relationship built on mutual respect and trust, providing the comfort that we are with you on your journey. 

Take Your Life Back From Depression

Click here to schedule a session, or fill out the contact form if you have questions.


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